Illustration Cabinet Expertise Le Chêne et Associés


Professionalism, Compliance, Customer Care

Illustration Cabinet Expertise Le Chêne et Associés


Innovation, Solutions

Illustration Cabinet Expertise Le Chêne et Associés


Advice, Analysis, Reliance.

our services

Invest yourself fully in your business and we will take care of your financial department !

In order to collaborate together, our tools are all accessible via the Web.

We adapt to your needs: CLASSIC MISSION

  • From bookkeeping to tax and legal declarations

However, we can also do everything: EXTERNALISATION – FULL SERVICE

  • From the creation of your sales invoices to the payment of your suppliers’ invoices while also monitoring your cash flow.
  • A reporting adapted to your needs is set up with you.
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The firm manages all your administrative tasks:

  • Issuing your sales invoices, monitoring the outstanding customers
  • Payment of invoices and monitoring of outstanding debts to suppliers
  • Bookkeeping and fiscal declarations up to the balance sheet
  • Management of your payroll and HR counselling.
  • Consultancy and assistance for your legal formalities
  • Other customised services
Illustration Cabinet Expertise Le Chêne et Associés


The accounting services we offer can be tailored to your needs :

  • Complete bookkeeping up to the balance sheet
  • Accounting revision: the firm carries out your fiscal declarations throughout the year and draws up your balance sheet
  • Collaborative accounting with access to our tools or other accounting applications (QuickBooks, QWS, etc.)
Total Dematerialisation Partial Dematerialisation Navette Collaborative
You scan your documents and put them on the QuadraBox You scan your documents and send us them on a designated email address We provide you with a Shuttle Kit that you drop off at the office each month We give you access to our accounting tool and train one person from your team.
Illustration Cabinet Expertise Le Chêne et Associés


We prepare your pay slips and do your social declarations.
We send the pay slips to your employees via the digital safe.
We assist and advise you in the management of your human resources.


Dematerialisation Collaborative
Every month you send us the variable payroll elements that we process for you in our social tool. We give you access to our payroll tool to enter the variable elements.
We check the proper integration of elements and their compliance with the law and collective agreements. You have permanent access to the pay slips and social charges.


We accompany you in :

  • Drafting your work contracts.
  • Estimating the labour costs in order to assist you in your recruitments.
  • Searching for grants for recruiting and training.
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Setting up a company: drafting the articles of association and registering with the Trade and Companies Register (or Chamber of Trade and Crafts)
The firm assists you, among other things, in:

  • The establishment of your annual legal obligations to hold a General Meeting, approve the annual accounts and distribute dividends,
  • The realisation of capital increases,
  • Drafting commercial leases.

We also carry out the transfer, dissolution, and liquidation of companies.

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  • Income tax optimisation for owner-managers
  • Access to our invoicing tool -free of charge for 10 invoices per month
  • Evaluation of your company
  • Assistance during tax and social security audits
  • Dashboards, reporting, cash flow monitoring
  • And any other services you may require.


If you would like to have more information about our services, please leave us your contact details so that we can contact you as soon as possible.

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